Cement Industry

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Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for Cement Industry

IOT Cement Industry

Cement is a continuous manufacturing process whose major operational expense is related to energy cost. Other challenging factors are inconsistent raw materials, conditions of the equipment and environmental factors.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is network where machines can communicate with each other and people. It is capable of collecting data, analyzing and advising best practices derived from past. It can be used in cement manufacturing to study the patterns and learn the optimal conditions from existing process data and operator actions compared to the performance.

IoT and plant data can be used to predict and prevent equipment failure, improve reliability and reduce downtime, improve quality and lower inspection costs. The actual data from the plant machines and processes can be used to predict and select right parameters to optimize the production. This help the cement plant operators to run the plant with maximum performance.

The Industrial Internet of Things eliminate the level of risk where human factor can result in errors. The level of accuracy that can be achieved through IIoT is one of the biggest advantages

For example, during cement grinding in a cement mill, the mill operator might perform excessive grinding of material even when the required fineness of cement is achieved, this result in over-grinding and extra energy. The grinding process can be optimized by using the historic data of clinker feed and mill speed to achieve the required fineness without extra grinding and energy usage.

The smart cement factory consists of a fully connected and flexible system. The IoT devices and sensors connects machines collect the data about conditions and processes of plant. This system uses a constant flow of data from connected operations and production systems to learn and adapt to best performing parameters. For example, sensors attached to different equipment can study behaviour and patterns of machines to predict failures and can avoid breakdowns and stoppages. The solution can detect and report potential failures, enabling the plant operator to act for predictive maintenance before faults occur.

We provide consultancy and solutions IoT in Cement Industry. The model consists of following important steps:

  • Collect existing Data
  • Visualize trends and patterns
  • Understand patterns and develop recommendations
  • Refine models with machine learning